
The intention behind Grief is Universal is to continue destigmatizing grief by highlighting the universality of grief, loss, and bereavement, especially -- as we’ve all observed since the arrival of Covid-19.  Grief is universal, but so too, is love.

Coinciding with Monday, August 30th, National Grief Awareness Day, the hope is that the art Ali Nelson created (see homepage) will support those who are feeling especially alone in their grief right now. Additionally, we hope that this will be a digital space where you can feel both seen and inspired through sharing and connecting with the stories of others. 

When we pause into the truth that #griefisuniversal, we get to come more into presence with life. The reality is that we are all grieving in one way or another, and with each post we live more into the truth that shared grief is shared courage. 

In the space where we can let go, something new can be born.

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Our Backstory

The idea for Grief is Universal came to Integrative Grief Guide and Founder of Fall Up, Jasmin Jenkins, in a meditation in 2020. 

In February of 2020 a certain fashion brand had reached out to Jasmin to explore partnering on a panel around grief. And then Covid hit and Jasmin circled back with an idea to pivot and create a campaign with this brand around the universality of grief. It soon became clear that a campaign along these lines would be too taboo for this “innovative” fashion brand. So, Jasmin held the idea, bought the domain Grief is Universal, and trusted that she would be led to create her own campaign along these lines when the timing was right. 

Fast forward to last July, when her dear friend and founder of Moxximade, Megan Shekleton, asked her to record an IGTV around grief for National Grief Awareness Day on August 30th. Thanks to Megan, Jasmin learned of this day, and knew that this was the day to birth Grief is Universal.

Upon sharing about the vision for Grief is Universal with dear friend, Talia Eisenberg, Talia suggested that her company, Healer Collective, come on board as the lead partner. It was through Talia that Jasmin came into the deepest layers of her healing journey, so it’s only fitting that Jasmin and Healer Collective would partner together in bringing this message to the world for the first time on August 30th, 2020. 

The next email was to friend and artist, Ali Nelson, who we are so grateful to have as our artist partner for this campaign. Ali consistently uses her social platform to share and uplift others through her vulnerable, courageous posts.

Talia then connected Jasmin to website visionary, Marcie Hancock. Marcie has been on her own unique grief journey and we are so grateful for the way that she effortlessly implemented the vision into the site you are exploring today. 

To all of our helpers: thank you for bringing this vision to life with us.